LANCASTER – Saturday afternoon’s Spotlight talks to the Lancaster County man who has a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. Gerald Groff began working for the U.S. Postal Service in 2012 and didn’t have to work on Sunday allowing him to worship God with his church family. In 2013, Amazon contracted with the Postal Service to provide Sunday delivery. Initially, they accommodated Groff, but later required him to work Sundays or they would make an example out of him. As a result of hostile working conditions, Groff suffered from a number of physical ailments. The case, Groff v. DeJoy presents the Justices with the opportunity to re-evaluate the “de minimis” standard and reconfirm the language of Title VII, as passed by Congress, requiring an employer to accommodate an employee’s religion unless it would cause an “undue hardship.” Groff is joined on the program by Chief Counsel of the Independence Law Center, Randall Wenger, one of the legal firms defending Groff. Saturday afternoon’s Spotlight airs at 12:30 on WDAC and 2:30 on WBYN 107.5. You can listen to the program online right now at under “podcasts.”