HARRISBURG – Two bills have been introduced by Butler County Rep. Stephenie Scialabba which would affect institutions of higher education. House Bill 2040 requires greater transparency on how tax dollars are used abroad. The bill would require institutions to create public reports a year in advance about the cost of these trips, the source of the funding, the purpose, and the benefit derived for Pennsylvanians. The second, House Bill 2041, prohibits institutions from requiring the completion of Critical Race Theory or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training or coursework. She said such courses should be offered as electives and not be forced upon students. The bill will prohibit an institution of higher education from requiring a student to complete diversity training or a diversity course in order to graduate, receive a degree or receive credit hours. North Dakota became the first state to enact a law banning mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusion training and the use of diversity statements in hiring and promotions at public institutions of higher education. Arizona, Tennessee, and more than a dozen other states have similar measures in the pipeline.