HARRISBURG – York County Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill and Lancaster County Sen. Ryan Aument plan to introduce legislation to require newspapers to disclose the cost incurred by local governments due to mandatory legal advertising and posting of public notices. The legislation was unveiled during Sunshine Week 2024, which is a week when newspapers across the nation celebrate transparency in government. The senators point to the fact that since Sunshine Week was first recognized nationwide in 2005, news predominately came from newspapers and broadcast TV. The lawmakers point to a Pew Research Center study that shows newspaper circulation has dropped by more than half during the last 17 years. The lawmakers said taking this commonsense step will allow taxpayers to see how their hard-earned dollars are being used. It would also provide public officials, who are required to place the advertisements, with greater transparency in costs incurred by other governmental entities. The senators are currently seeking support for their measure and will be introducing the bill in the coming weeks.