HARRISBURG – Area state Sens. Ryan Aument, Scott Martin, and Chris Gebhard reacted to Lancaster City Council’s actions. The lawmakers were alarmed at the decision to not cooperate with a federal law enforcement agency. They said they are breaking the law and compromising the safety of residents. They were surprised that the decision was made just five days after an innocent 22-year-old student was murdered in Georgia at the hands of a violent illegal immigrant allowed in the country due to dangerously lax immigration policies, like what Lancaster City Council just approved. They added the council’s decision undermines the great work being done by the Lancaster County District Attorney’s office and groups like ZOE International and North Star Initiative to lead the way in combating human trafficking. While the historic crisis at the border is largely due to President Biden’s failed immigration policies, this decision by the council only exacerbates the issue locally. The unprecedented increase in the number of undocumented immigrants crossing our borders daily is not only problematic, but it puts a strain on all our community’s resources. They urged the council to rescind their decision.