HARRISBURG – Two bills modernizing the capabilities of athletic trainers in PA were passed by the state Senate. Senate Bills 559 and 560 would give athletic trainers the ability to deliver a wider scope of health care services to more individuals. Under current law governing athletic trainers, the definition for invasive procedures is undefined and subject to strict interpretation. This can prohibit life-saving techniques such as using an epi-pen or administering a rescue inhaler or insulin. The bills clarify that under a written protocol with a licensed physician, procedures such as blister and nail care, administration of Naloxone, and certain medication injections can occur. The bills would also expand the definition of a physically active person to include a person who participates in a sport, athletic competition, performing art, recreational activity or military exercise. The PA Athletic Trainers’ Society and several other health care groups support the bills, which now go to the PA House for consideration.