HARRISBURG – A co-sponsorship memo is being circulated by Fayette County Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa for legislation that would ensure the state plane is only used for official purposes. The lawmaker says recent reports have shown a huge uptick in the usage of our state plane. Air travel is convenient, but it’s incredibly expensive, and taxpayers are footing the bill. Her proposal will make sure taxpayer money is used for state business and nothing more. Under the Aviation Code, the state airplane is available for “public purposes,” but some loopholes remain that can be abused. The legislation would address those loopholes by requiring the use of the state airplane to be limited to official business and passengers may not engage in political activities or attend sporting events, even if those activities or events are incidental to the official business. The measure would also prohibit lobbyists and those who employ lobbyists from being passengers on the state airplane, along with limiting out-of-state flights to emergency situations only.