HARRISBURG – PA House Republican Leader, Rep. Bryan Cutler of Lancaster County says with the addition of a new state lawmaker sworn into office, the voter ID constitutional amendment discharge petition now has 101 signatures, equating to half of the entire PA House able to vote. However, with new partisan House operating rules requiring 25 members from each caucus sign the discharge petition, the proposal will remain bottled up in committee despite the bipartisan support of 101 members within the state House and 73% of Pennsylvanians. Cutler added that the fact that half of the PA House signed on to get the proposal out of committee, but partisan rules keep it from the House floor, is the opposite of the new day promised under the Democrat majority. Cutler noted that time remains of the essence to get the proposal voted on by both chambers so it can be put before voters this November. He said Democrats should stop delaying with partisan games and immediately bring this up for a vote in the House so we can get it in front of the voters.