UNIVERSITY PARK – Dairy producers in the Keystone State are encouraged to apply for the Dairy of Distinction award from the PA Dairy of Distinction Program. The program, initiated in 1987, is based on the concept that attractive farmsteads promote a positive dairy image and will help to enhance consumer confidence in the wholesomeness of milk for the industry. Dairies receiving the highest scores in each of 10 districts will be awarded an 18-by-24-inch Dairy of Distinction sign to display in front of their farm. Prior to farm scoring, milk handlers are contacted to verify milk quality. Roadside judging will occur in May, and farms will be evaluated on a variety of factors. To obtain an application, call the Program’s Secretary, Ashley Hoover at 717-513-7284 or visit Applications must be submitted by April 15. PA’s Dairy of Distinction program has recognized over 900 dairy farms across the state.