HARRISBURG – A new digital advertising campaign seeks to change the statewide conversation on abortion in PA. “Abortion Hurts” tells the story of the trauma and tragedy of abortion, while showcasing the joys of motherhood. The ad is designed to encourage people to take a second look at abortion and its harmful effects. Executive Director of the PA Pro-Life Federation, Maria Gallagher says “Abortion Hurts” is an eye-opening look at what abortion does to an unborn baby and to the mother left to grieve the child she has lost. The ad demonstrates how women can be empowered to give life to their children, thanks to the resources that are available to them. Gallagher adds from diapers to day care referrals, and from maternity clothes to mentoring, the pro-life movement stands ready to assist pregnant women facing challenging circumstances. You can watch the ad by clicking on the banner below.