LANCASTER – Lancaster City Council unanimously approved a legislative initiative enhancing the safety of immigrants within the city. The Trust Act ensures that city officials do not proactively collaborate with Immigration & Customs Enforcement or ICE and do not share their information to aid civil immigration enforcement. The Act allows City residents to participate in society without fear, thereby encouraging them to feel safe reporting crimes, using health and social services for their families, and enrolling their children in schools. Lancaster City’s population is 12.8% foreign-born, according to 2018 U.S. Census data. Lancaster was the first city in PA to be designated as a Certified Welcoming City in 2019. Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace said, “This ordinance is a testament to our commitment to welcoming all, regardless of background or immigration status. Codifying our Welcoming City designation and public safety practices into City ordinance affirms this work will continue.”