HARRISBURG – With this week being National Entrepreneurship Week, a new Main Street Entrepreneurship Initiative is being introduced for PA. House Republican Leader, Lancaster County Rep. Bryan Cutler said the House Republicans will focus efforts on getting government out of the way of business creation. The forthcoming package of bills will include legislation to establish a set-aside within the state’s procurement process for entrepreneurs; waive business filing fees to provide help for first-time entrepreneurs; and create a new business ombudsman in the Department of Community and Economic Development. It also requires businesses receiving state grants and loans to commit to staying in PA, establishes a statewide program for entrepreneurship education among high school students, and modernizes our bankruptcy exemption statute to provide fair protections for entrepreneurs’ assets. Cutler added the Initiative places a renewed focus on getting government out of the way so Pennsylvanians can live their dreams through earning a living and creating a business by being great at what they are good at.