HARRISBURG – The Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee recently voted on a series of gun control bills that would attack the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens across the Commonwealth. Despite every Republican on the committee voting “NO” on each of these bills, with more Democrats than Republicans on the committee, the bills lost on a party-line vote. According to House Republican Leader, Rep. Bryan Cutler of Lancaster county, taking legal firearms away from law-abiding citizens will NOT solve the violent crime problem plaguing our country; instead, it will render innocent people helpless to defend themselves and their families. The bills approved by the committee include House Bill 335 (banning multi-burst trigger activators); H.B. 336 (banning future sales of assault weapons); H.B. 777 (banning “ghost gun” parts); H.B. 1157 (changing mental health reporting requirements) and H.B. 1190 (regarding 3-D printed firearms). Cutler added, “As a proponent of the Second Amendment, I will continue to fight for the right of every law-abiding citizen in this state to bear arms.”