HARRISBURG – The PA Public Utility Commission gave final approval to a settlement aimed at addressing long-standing service issues with Frontier Commonwealth, according to a half dozen lawmakers who have been advocating for affected consumers. The settlement was negotiated in response to a formal complaint filed by the PA Office of Consumer Advocate and Office of Small Business Advocate against Frontier last year for its failure to provide reliable service to residential and business customers. Several state lawmakers, including Lancaster County Rep. Bryan Cutler, said Frontier customers have dealt with horrible customer service as well as frequent and sometimes lengthy service outages that were, at best, inconvenient and, at worst, a threat to public health and safety. While it never should have gotten to this point, they applaud the consumers who spoke up to share their experiences. Under the terms of the settlement, customers may be eligible for credits, refunds, and other remedies based on certain past or future issues with their telephone or internet services. Frontier will be required to invest in excess of $100 million in capital expenditures in its service territory, address staffing concerns, and identify and invest in the most troublesome wire centers.