HARRISBURG – Efforts are underway to turn the clock back on women’s health and safety by repealing standards for abortion clinics in PA. Some state Democrats in PA such as Rep. Tarik Khan of Philadelphia want to repeal those standards and remove the requirement for abortion providers to obtain admitting privileges or have transfer agreements at hospitals. PA Pro Life Federation’s Legislative Director, Maria Gallagher says Karnamaya Mongar was a female immigrant patient who died from her experience in abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s West Philadelphia clinic. In her memory, the PA Legislature passed legislation to ensure that abortion facilities would meet basic health and safety standards. Gosnell’s abortion facility was not inspected for 17 years. Gallagher added that before these protections were put in place, hair and nail salons received greater scrutiny. The health and safety standards were inspired by a grand jury report in the Kermit Gosnell case. Gosnell is now serving three consecutive life terms in connection with the murder of three newborn babies and was also convicted for the death of Karnamaya Mongar. An examination of inspection reports from the PA Department of Health has revealed that half of PA’s abortion centers failed inspection in a given year. You can read the Kermit Gosnell grand jury report by clicking on the picture below.