LANCASTER COUNTY – Lancaster County’s Brethren Village released a statement regarding Sunday afternoon’s plane crash that injured five people on the aircraft. They said a plane preparing for an emergency landing crashed in the L parking lot behind the Fieldcrest building near Fairview Drive in Manheim Township. No residents were injured. All individuals on board the plane were transported for treatment. Brethren Village residents and team members extend their thoughts and wishes to the passengers as they receive medical care. There was no damage to the Fieldcrest Building or any other Brethren Village structures. While no buildings were affected, several resident vehicles sustained damage. Residents were promptly informed of the incident and, out of an abundance of caution, were briefly directed to shelter in place. At no time were residents in danger, and Supportive Living areas remained unaffected. Brethren Village expressed its deepest gratitude to emergency service professionals for their swift and effective response. The location remains an active investigation site under the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board.