LANCASTER – Several state agencies joined Penn Medicine Lancaster General and Mental Health America of Lancaster County to raise awareness of the importance of safely storing firearms to reduce the risk of firearm injuries. PA Health Secretary Dr. Debra Bogen said storing firearms safely within the home can make a huge difference in saving lives and preventing injuries, as nearly a third of all youth firearm deaths are due to the unintentional discharge of a weapon and suicide. Bogen said firearm-related injuries and fatalities are a public health crisis. On average, about 1,600 Pennsylvanians die from gunshot wounds each year, with 3,000 more injured. Research shows that safer gun ownership practices, like safer firearm storage, can significantly reduce firearm injuries and fatalities. Last year, the Health Department helped to distribute free gun locks to PA residents across PA with over 3,500 locks distributed since October 2024. Residents interested in obtaining a free gun lock can contact their local state health center. You can click on the picture below to find the location of your state health center.