HARRISBURG – PA is investing over $9.9 million to purchase development rights for 2,654 acres on 30 farms in 14 counties, protecting them from future residential or commercial development. The conservation easement purchases ensure that PA farmers will have the quality land they need to continue supporting farm families and jobs in the future. PA Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding said saving fertile farmland for producing food, rather than losing it to warehouses and suburban sprawl is a critical investment being made, along with farm families and county and local governments to feed our families, our economy, and our future together. Farms preserved this month are located in Adams, Berks, Cumberland, Lancaster, & York Counties. PA leads the nation in preserved farmland, protecting 6,422 farms and over 641,000 acres in 58 counties from future development, investing more than $1.7 billion in state, county, and local funds.