HARRISBURG – PA Department of Environmental Protection Acting Secretary Jessica Shirley joined the Central PA Food Bank to announce a new grant availability to fight hunger. Grants up to $50,000 are available through the Food Recovery Infrastructure Grant Program to non-profits who partner with food retailers and wholesalers to recover safe and wholesome foods and then make that food available to the public. The grants can be awarded to reimburse the cost of equipment like refrigerators, freezers, stoves, and microwaves to store, transport, or prepare the recovered food for redistribution to the public. Shirley said organic waste like food breaks down into methane, a potent greenhouse gas – so every potato, apple, and tomato that doesn’t go to a landfill is helping to fight climate change. Applications will be accepted beginning October 12. Applicants must have a pre-application meeting with their local DEP Regional Recycling Coordinator prior to submitting their applications.