HARRISBURG – The PA Senate passed two bills reforming the state’s juvenile justice system. Senate Bill 169 updates the juvenile court system by requiring disposition review hearings every 3 months instead of 9. The hearings ensure that juveniles receive necessary services and treatment, assess their threat to the community, and decide if they should remain in placement or be released under supervision. The court will also set the date for the next review hearing. Senate Bill 170 modifies the expungement of juvenile records by reducing the waiting period for expungement from 5 years to 2 years for most misdemeanors, while maintaining the 5-year period for felonies, misdemeanor firearm offenses, and indecent assault. The bill also standardizes the expungement process by requiring the Chief Juvenile Probation Officer to initiate expungements for eligible individuals, with the district attorney having the opportunity to object. Both bills now head to the state House.