HARRISBURG – PA Attorney General Michelle Henry is leading a coalition of Attorneys General in sending a letter to the Federal Communications Commission in support of rules that would require internet, cable, voice, and broadcast satellite providers to take some of the pain out of routine customer service calls and allow for better consumer choices. The Attorney General’s office often receives consumer complaints regarding poor interactions with customer service reps and online chatbots from such providers. Their letter urges adoptions of rules that will make it quicker and easier for consumers to reach live agents, require companies to provide automatic credits for service outages or missed service appointments, require enhanced training for customer service reps, and to permit consumers to obtain their recorded conversations with customer service reps, among other things. The Attorney General is tasked with enforcing the state Consumer Protection Laws and under those laws, the office mediates and investigates complaints against the providers of internet, voice, and cable services. You can read the full letter to the FCC by clicking the picture below.