HARRISBURG – A six-bill package to streamline the teacher certification process in order to address challenges in recruiting and retaining educators in PA is being introduced by Rep. Jason Ortitay of Washington & Allegheny Counties. The bills would waive the retest fee for those who miss passing the Praxis exam by three points or fewer in their first attempt, prioritize stipends for teacher candidates who commit to teaching in rural or low-income districts and high-demand science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields, and streamline the pathway for military veterans with teaching experience to enter the classroom and teach while continuing to work towards certification. His other proposals would require the PA Department of Education to automatically waive the testing requirements for out-of-state applicants who have successfully completed a nationally recognized licensure exam, expand certification pathways for industry professionals seeking to teach Career and Technical Education courses by eliminating unnecessary pedagogy coursework, and allow professionals with industry certifications to teach STEM subjects while completing educational coursework on the job. The bills are expected to be referred to the House Education Committee once introduced.