HARRISBURG – Legislation has been proposed banning the manufacturing and sale of lab-grown meat in PA. Bill sponsor, Rep. Tina Pickett of Bradford & Wyoming Counties said PA’s hard-working farmers breed and raise the animals that become the meat products found at our local supermarkets, but what would happen should a billion-dollar movement be successful in bringing lab-grown meat to our tables instead of the high-quality products we now enjoy? Florida was the first state to ban the sale of lab-grown meat earlier this year. Alabama was second. The Florida law makes it “unlawful for any person to manufacture for sale, sell, hold or offer for sale, or distribute cultivated meat” in the state, with violators facing up to 60 days in jail. In Alabama, the penalty is up to 90 days behind bars and a $500 fine. House Bill 2441 is now before the PA House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.