HARRISBURG – In an effort to restore historical knowledge, promote civic responsibility, and preserve our heritage, Sen. Doug Mastriano of Adams & Franklin Counties has introduced the Creation of Law in Our Schools Act. The legislation would require the display of four foundational documents in PA public schools: The Ten Commandments – the first known codification of law in human history; The Declaration of Independence – the defining statement of American liberty; The PA Constitution – the cornerstone of our laws and freedoms; and the U.S. Constitution – The supreme law of our nation. Mastriano said a nation that does not know its history is doomed to lose its identity. By ensuring that our students see and engage with these bedrock documents, we will instill in them a greater appreciation of law, responsibility, and the sacrifices made to build this great nation. With the passage of the bill, PA would take a unique and comprehensive approach by ensuring that students engage with all four foundational documents that shaped our Commonwealth and our nation. Mastriano is circulating a co-sponsorship memo seeking support of the proposal.