WASHINGTON, D.C. – Liberty Counsel filed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in a case about whether Maryland parents can opt their children out of LGBT-themed instruction that contradicts their religious beliefs. The high court will review the case and hear oral arguments on April 22. A coalition of parents from various religious faiths, including Christian and Muslim, are contesting a policy change from the Montgomery County Board of Education that no longer requires parents to be informed when the themed instruction will occur, nor allows them to opt their children out. The instruction includes more than “22 LGBTQ+-inclusive” storybooks infused with radical gender ideology. The books are used for instruction in pre-K through eighth grade classrooms. The parents seek to block the cancellation of the opt-out policy by arguing this instruction interferes with their religious beliefs on gender and sexuality as well as their constitutional right to direct the upbringing and education of their children.