MILLERSVILLE – A rumored threat at Penn Manor High School has been determined false. A statement from Penn Manor Superintendent Dr. Philip Gale was issued about the incident. You can read the entire statement below:
February 20, 2024
On the evening of February 19, the Penn Manor administration was made aware of a rumor of a threat to the high school. This rumor spread quickly and without discretion on social media. School district administrators worked with the Millersville Borough Police Department and trusted adults in the community to determine that there is no validity to the threat.
We discovered the perceived threat was false, and spread through social media. This false threat caused disruption to our school community and is being actively investigated by law enforcement.
The safety of our students and staff is, and always will be, our highest priority. Every day, I assess and decide if it is safe for students to attend school. Examples of this decision include verified threats, snow days, and even building operations. Without question, I will not deliberately send students in harm’s way.
Safe2Say continues to be the best way to communicate concerns after school hours. Safe2Say is a statewide program monitored and staffed by trained professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. District administration immediately receives the details of the report, regardless of the time of day.
Rumors travel fast, and social media helps them spread instantaneously. I ask that everyone take this opportunity to stop, pause, and think before spreading unverified information on social media.
Thank you to the many people who reached out to the district through email, phone calls, and especially the state-provided Safe2Say system, to alert us of the rumor.
Dr. Philip Gale
Penn Manor School District