HARRISBURG -PennDOT says that rolling stops are expected to begin this week for blasting activities related to the reconstruction of Route 222, just north of Route 30 in Lancaster County. Weather permitting, the contractor will perform blasting operations along Route 222 in the area of Lancaster Bible College on Wednesday, July 31. Blasts will be between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. The work is weather dependent and will be performed intermittently on an as-needed basis for several weeks. As a safety precaution, there will be rolling stops of up to 15 minutes in both directions of Route 222 between Oregon Pike ramps and Route 30 and on Route 30 in both directions at the on-ramps to Route 222. Traffic on nearby streets will also be stopped during the blasts. Motorists should be alert and watch for stopped or slow-moving traffic.