HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) today announced $250,000 in grant funding available to compensate master’s level Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) graduate students during their school-based placements in Pennsylvania LEAs during the 2024-2025 school year, encouraging more students to seek placements in schools and school communities. This funding is available to local education agencies (LEAs) that establish or expand school-based placements that provide high quality services to students, families, and school staff. LEAs can apply for a $5,000 stipend per master’s-level SLP, totaling $250,000 statewide. Eligible LEAs include school districts, approved private schools, career and technical education centers (CTCs), charter schools, cyber charter schools, and intermediate units. The ultimate goal of the grant is to provide support to LEAs experiencing challenges securing speech-language pathologist externs and increase the number of speech-language pathologist students that pursue instructional I certification or educational specialist certification and work in LEAs within Pennsylvania. PDE is committed to bolstering the educator pipeline and supporting both students and schools by providing opportunities for the highly skilled, highly qualified individuals that make up our educator and school workforce.
Shapiro Administration Announces Stipend For Speech Language Pathologist Student Teachers
by Trista Steinhauer | Jul 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments