UNDATED – Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is a not-profit legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, the sanctity of life and other civil liberties. PJI President, Brad Dacus shared with us how they are educating churches to step in and support families for christian parents whose rights are being assaulted either in public schools or the public square, by starting Church Homeschool Co-ops. It’s a great help to families who can’t afford private schools or aren’t able to teach their children themselves. Pacific Justice Institute works diligently, without charge, to provide its clients with all the legal support they need. PJI has over 180+ cases in litigation fighting for Religious Liberties, Parental Rights, Sanctity of Life and Religious Asylum. They also offer dozens of free legal resources and white papers for parents, churches and business owners; including Faith in the Workplace, 12 steps to protect your children from Child Protective Services and Zoom calls for info on current religious freedom issues. Find out more by going to their website pacificjustice.org.