HARRISBURG – Delaware County Sen. Tim Kearney plans to reintroduce legislation to establish an Independent Redistricting Commission in PA. The measure establishes an 11-member commission comprised of individuals who represent the geographic and demographic diversity of the state; ensures balance among the state’s largest political parties and independent voters; prohibits recently elected, appointed or declared candidates for office from serving on the commission in efforts to remove political influence; and prohibits persons who served in the governing body of a political party, was a paid consultant or employee for a legislative office or a candidate’s campaign, or close family member of anyone who has served in those roles from serving on the commission. It focuses on keeping districts compact, connected, and reflective of shared community interests while ensuring populations are evenly distributed for fair and equal representation. It would also require the use of a publicly accessible communication platform where citizens can submit map proposals, provide feedback, and access all data used by the commission. A co-sponsorship memo seeking support is being circulated.