HARRISBURG – Law enforcement around PA will begin to crack down on aggressive-driving activities as part of a statewide wave running now through August 18, 2024. Police will conduct activities at targeted areas that have a history of aggressive driving related crashes. Over 300 municipal police agencies and the PA State Police will focus on motorists exhibiting aggressive driving behaviors such as speeding, heavy truck violations, pedestrian safety, red light running, and tailgating. Speeding accounts for more than one-quarter of all traffic-related fatalities nationally. Obeying posted speed limits keeps drivers, passengers, and others using the road safe. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that young drivers and motorcyclists are especially susceptible to high speeds, and they represent the largest demographic involved in speeding-related vehicle crashes. In 2022, 35% of male drivers and 19% of female drivers in the 15-to 20-year-old age group involved in fatal traffic crashes were speeding. 35% of all motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes in 2022 were speeding. Motorcycle riders 21 to 24 years old involved in fatal crashes had the highest speeding involvement at 51%.